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+7 (499) 397-01-18  +7 (926) 618 20 30

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The international recruiting agency MainStaff offers training services and personnel development.

Recruiting agency MainStaff is capable to develop complete system of training of employees based on strategic targets, requirements and company specialisation.

At the organisation of trainings and seminars we involve the leading experts possessing not only practical experience, but also capable to give new and actual knowledge for corresponding experts.

Rendering the clients training services, recruiting agency MainStaff aspire to that clients have not simply received practical skills and abilities, but also began to perceive Corporate Governance and the business environment in mutual relations in the company and with partners of the client.

Human resource personnel training allows to open potential of employees, to provide employees with necessary luggage of the knowledge, approached to working conditions, professionally to grow and bring practical advantage for the employer.

What would aim you before itself did not put, our recruiting agency will offer the program of training approaching for your employees.

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